Category: General

Monday is Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day will take place on Monday at Holy Spirit.   Students and staff are invited to show their support in stopping bullying both at school and within our community by wearing pink on Monday, March 2nd, 2020.

Holy Spirit Welcomes Special Visitors

On Thursday, January 30th, Holy Spirit welcomed our Director of Education, Mr. A. Falconi, our Catholic School Trustee Ms. Elizabeth Crowe and our Superintendent of Education, Ms. T. D’Acunto.  Members of our Luke 4:18 Committee presented all of the wonderful initiatives being undertaken here at the school this year.  They also took our guests on a tour of the school to show them all of ... Continue reading "Holy Spirit Welcomes Special Visitors"

Infinitus Visits Holy Spirit

Thanks to the support of the Aurora Cultural Center and their Kaleidoscope in the School program, Inifintus was able to perform live for our JK to Grade 4 students.  Students were taken on a musical journey from classical music to hip hop and everything in between.  What a great performance!