Parent Update: Week of June 22nd, 2020
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please see the letter and attachments below for school information for the week of June 22nd.
Kind Regards,
Mr. A. Modica
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please see the letter and attachments below for school information for the week of June 22nd.
Kind Regards,
Mr. A. Modica
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please see the letter attached below for school information for the week of June 15th. Also attached below are the images/flyers mentioned in the letter for your convenience. Have a wonderful week.
Kind Regards,
Mr. A. Modica
... Continue reading "Parent Update: Week of June 15th, 2020"
On Thursday, June 18th, 2020 parents/guardians will have the opportunity to enter the school to retrieve their child/children’s personal belongings. Please find attached a detailed letter that contains important information regarding access to the school as well as an entry schedule. We look forward to seeing you.
Holy Spirit Retrieval Letter to Parents_Guardians
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please see the letter attached below for school information for the week of June 1st. Also attached is the flyer for a high school credit program discussed in the letter.
Kind Regards,
Mr. A. Modica
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please see the latest parent communication attached below. It contains information on our upcoming food drive, daily mass, student password protection. I have also attached the class placement information letter below.
Kind Regards,
Mr. A. Modica
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please see the attached letter below for information regarding our Holy Spirit Food Drive in support of the Aurora Food Pantry. We hope you will be able to participate.
Kind Regards,
Mr. A. Modica